
Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Consultants – Indirect Cost Rates

Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) Acceptance/Approval ID

ICR Financial Document Reviews (FDR) of Local Public Agency (LPA) Contracts 

Indirect Cost Rate Proposal / Indirect Cost Allocation Plan

Effective July 1, 2022 Caltrans Internal Audits Office (CIAO) is responsible for review and approval of Local Agency Indirect Cost Rate Proposal and Indirect Cost Allocation Plan submissions. Information for CIAO's submission process and forms can be found on their webpage:

Any Local Agency Indirect Cost Rate or Indirect Cost Allocation Plan submissions received after June 30, 2022 using IOAI's forms will not be accepted. IOAI will complete the review of any submissions using IOAI's forms received on or before June 30, 2022.