About the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations


Road Repair and Accountability Act 

Pursuant to Government Code section 14460, the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations (IOAI) conducts audits and investigations to ensure the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and external entities that receive state and federal transportation funds from Caltrans are spending those funds efficiently, effectively, economically, and in compliance with applicable state and federal requirements. External entities include, but are not limited to, private for profit and nonprofit organizations, local transportation agencies, and other local agencies that receive transportation funds either through a contract with Caltrans or through an agreement or grant administered by Caltrans.

Additionally, pursuant to Government Code section 14110.1, Caltrans is required to undertake several activities to increase procurement opportunities for small/micro enterprises, disabled veteran-owned, and new and limited contracting small businesses, as well as underrepresented, disadvantaged, formerly incarcerated, and LGBT business enterprises or individuals. This code also directs the Inspector General to review, audit, and report on Caltrans’ outreach efforts required by this section. The Inspector General is also required to audit businesses as appropriate to ensure that persons associated with entities that do not meet the definition of a new or limited contracting small business enterprise do not create a new associated entity that would meet the definition of new or limited contracting small business enterprise and thus subvert the purposes of this section.

Organization Chart

This is the Organization Chart for the IOAI. Bryan Beyer, Inspector General, (Vacant), Chief Deputy Inspector General, Fabiola Torres, Deputy Inspector General - Audit Services, Lindsay Harris, Deputy Inspector General - Investigations and Non-Audit Services, Marcus Bole, Chief Counsel/Public Information Officer, Jonathan Cox, Audit Chief, Rosa Golla, Audit Chief, Jared Smith, Audit Chief, Vacant, Audit Chief, Nicole Hernandez, Chief of Investigations, Antonio Madrigal, Chief of Business Intelligence, Marie Salvacion, Chief of Administration, (Vacant), Audit Chief - Small Business and Diversity, Audit Chief, Juanita Baier.



IOAI Activities

Pursuant to SB 1, IOAI provides a full scope, independent, and objective audit and investigation program. 

Communication Strategies

In addition to an annual report, SB 1 requires the Inspector General to report all audit and confidential investigation findings to the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and to the Director and Chief Deputy Director of Caltrans on a regular and ongoing basis.

Peer Review

In 2024, the California Association of State Auditors completed a peer review of the IOAI.