California Department of Transportation District 10

P2505-0074, P2505-0075, P2505-0084, P2510-0004, P2510-0005

Proposition 1B Bond Programs EA Numbers 10-34042, 10-00270, 10-36250, 10-41570, and 1O-OE610

Date Issued 7/20/2017


Attached is the audit report pertaining to the audit performed on the following projects:

Project Name Project Number P Number Amount Audited
East Sonora Bypass Stage II 10-34042 P2505-0074 $34,658,008
1-205 Auxiliary Lanes 10-0Q270 P2505-0075 $7,836,666
State Route 4 Angels Camp Bypass 10-36250 P2505-0084 $3,573,957
Arboleda Road Freeway 10-41570 P2510-0004 $78,084,252
State Route 99 Widening in Manteca & San Joaquin 10-0E610 P2510-0005 $103,467,938


The projects' implementing agency is Caltrans District 10. The projects were funded using Proposition 1B Corridor Mobility Improvement Account funds.

As required by the Governor's Executive Order S-02-07 and SB88, the expenditures of bond proceeds and outcomes are subject to audit. The audit was performed by the Department of Finance on behalf of Caltrans. Deputy Directive 100-R1, "Departmental Responses to Audit Reports" cites responsibilities of District Director relative to audits performed. The audit disclosed the following findings:

  • Improvements needed in reporting project benefits/outcomes on projects 10-0Q270, 10­0E610 and 10-36250.
  • Final delivery report not submitted timely on project 10-34042.

Please provide Audits and Investigations a corrective action resolution on the audit findings within 90 days of this memorandum's date.

California Department of Transportation District, 10 Proposition 1B Bond Program Audit (PDF)