City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County

P2530-0046, P2530-0047, P2530-0048, P2530-0039

 Proposition 1B Bond Program EA Numbers 4A921, 4A923, 4A925, and 4A926

Date Issued: 7/21/2017


Attached is the audit report pertaining to the audit performed on the following projects:

Project Name EA Number Project Number
SMART Corridor Projects-Demonstration 4A921 P2530-0046
SMART Corridor Projects-North Portion 4A923 P2530-0047
SMART Corridor Projects-South Portion  4A925 P2530-0048 
SMART Corridor Projects-South Segment  4A926  P2530-0039


The projects' implementing agency is the City/County Association of Governments of

San Mateo County. The projects were funded using Proposition 1B Traffic Light Synchronization Program funds.

As required by the Governor's Executive Order S-02-07 and SB88, the expenditures of bond proceeds and outcomes are subject to audit. The audit was performed by the Department of Finance on behalf of Caltrans. Deputy Directive 100-R1, "Departmental Responses to Audit Reports" cites responsibilities of Division Chiefs relative to audits performed. The audit disclosed the following findings:

  • Questioned arbitration and equipment expenditures
  • Project deliverables not completed timely or accurately

Please provide Audits and Investigations a corrective action resolution (CAR) on the audit finding within 90 days of this memorandum's date.

City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County Proposition 1B Bond Program (PDF)