County of Sacramento


Proposition 1B Bond Program Program Number 0300000425

Date Issued: 10/21/2019


At the request of the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations the California Department of Finance (Finance), Office of Audits and Evaluations completed an audit of the County of Sacramento's (County) Proposition 1B funded project listed below. The complete audit report is attached.

Project Name Project Number P Number Fund
Watt Avenue at Route 50 Interchange Improvement 0300000425 P2505-0115 CMIA/SLPP


Based on the audit, Finance determined that the direct labor costs claimed by the county were not supported. Finance also determined that the county did not submit the final Delivery Reports in a timely manner. Please provide our office with a corrective action plan, including time lines, by December 23, 2019.

County of Sacramento Proposition 1B Program (PDF)