California Department of Transportation District 8
P2505-0088, P2505-0089, P2505-0091, P2505-0093, P2515-0030, P2515-0031
Proposition 1B Bond Programs Project
Numbers 0800000366, 0800000628, 0800000640, 0800000712, 0800000792, and 0812000211
Date Issued: 3/2/2018
Attached is the audit report pertaining to the audit performed on the following Proposition 1B (Prop 1B) projects:
Project Name | Project Number | P Number | Amount Audited |
Widen Exit Ramps and Construct Auxiliary Lanes | 0800000792 | P2505-0088 | $11,214,820 |
HOV Lane Gap Closure | 0800000712 | P2505-0089 | $114,877,438 |
1-215 Bi-County HOV Gap Closure | 0812000211 | P2505-0091 | $83,474,753 |
I-IS Widening and Devore Interchange Reconstruction | 0800000366 | P2505-0093 | $53,707,212 |
1-10 Install Ramp Metering Stations and Widen On-Ramps | 0800000640 | P2515-0030 | $13,162,814 |
Construct Truck Weight Station | 0800000628 | P2515-0031 | $30,854,787 |
The projects' implementation agency is Caltrans District 8. The projects were funded using Proposition Corridor Mobility Improvement Account funds (CMIA), and State Highway Operations and Protection Program funds (SHOPP).
As required by the Governor's Executive Order S-02-07 and SB88, the expenditures of bond proceeds and outcomes are subject to audit. The audit was performed by the Department of Finance on behalf of Caltrans. Deputy Directive 100-R1, "Departmental Responses to Audit Reports" cites responsibilities of Division Chiefs relative to audits performed. The audit disclosed the following findings:
- Finding 1: Improve Needed in Reporting Project Benefits/Outcomes- The benefits/outcomes for project 0800000712, 0800000792, and 0812000211 were not adequately reported in the Final Delivery Reports.
- Finding 2: Final Delivery Reports Not Submitted Timely- The Final Delivery Reports for projects 0800000792 and 0812000211 were not submitted to Caltrans within six months of the projects becoming operable.
Please provide the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations a Corrective Action Resolution (CAR) on the audit findings within 90 days of this memorandum's date and reference the project numbers identified above on the CAR.