Project Audits

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FY July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Project Audit

Issued: 1/15/2025

We audited the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s costs related to one project totaling $14,808,000, which was reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation. We audited project deliverables for two projects.

California Department of Transportation, District 7, Interstate 5 North High Occupancy Vehicle Corridor, Project Audit

Issued: 11/8/2024

We audited the costs that the California Department of Transportation, District 7 incurred related to the Interstate 5 North High Occupancy Vehicle Corridor project totaling $916,110,612.

Management Letter - California Department of Transportation, District 4, Project Audit

Issued: 7/11/2024

We audited the costs incurred by the California Department of Transportation, District 4, related to the "I-880 Pavement Rehabilitation" project totaling $68,812,233.

FY July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Project Audit

Issued: 3/25/2024

On behalf of the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations, the California Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations (Finance) completed its audit of the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (JPB). Finance audited the costs that JPB incurred related to three projects, of which the California Department of Transportation reimbursed JPB a total of $105,924,553.

County of Solano, Project Audit

Issued: 2/16/2024

We audited the costs that the County incurred related to three projects totaling $2,398,255, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

Riverside County Transportation Commission, Project Audit

Issued: 12/29/2023

On behalf of the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations, the California Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations (Finance) completed its audit of Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC). Finance audited the costs that the RCTC incurred related to three projects, of which the California Department of Transportation reimbursed the RCTC a total of $292,940,143.

California Department of Transportation, District 11, Project Audit

Issued: 12/15/2023

We audited the costs that the California Department of Transportation, District 11 incurred related to “Siempre Viva Road Interchange” project totaling $26,944,803.

Town of Apple Valley, Project Audit

Issued: 11/27/2023

On behalf of the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations, the California Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations (Finance) completed its audit of the Town of Apple Valley (Town). Finance audited the costs that the Town incurred related to three projects, of which the California Department of Transportation reimbursed the Town a total of $10,042,416.

San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission, Project Audit

Issued: 9/29/2023

We audited the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission’s incurred costs related to three projects totaling $94,674,899, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation. 

FY July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

City of Sanger, Project Audit

Issued: 6/30/2023

We audited the costs that the City of Sanger incurred related to two projects totaling $2.86 million, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

County of Monterey, Project Audit

Issued: 6/22/2023

We audited the costs that the County of Monterey incurred costs related to one project totaling $8,684,844, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Issued: 5/30/2023

We audited the costs that the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority incurred related to one project totaling $16.8 million, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

City of Turlock Project Audit

Issued: 2/17/2023

We audited the costs that the City of Turlock incurred related to two projects totaling $6,649,714, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

County of Orange, Public Works Project Audit

Issued: 2/8/2023

The Office of Inspector General, Independent Office of Audits and Investigations completed an audit of the County of Orange, Public Works. We audited the costs it incurred related to four projects totaling $2,689,033, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

San Joaquin Council of Governments

Issued: 12/6/2022

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations has completed its audit of the San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG). We audited project number 1000000229 - State Route 4 Crosstown Freeway Ramp Extension to determine if SJCOG met the dollar-for-dollar matching requirement.

City of Claremont

Issued: 9/16/2022

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations completed its audit of the City of Claremont, including the costs that were incurred by the City related to two projects totaling $5,218,696 and that were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

FY July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

City of Sacramento

P1575-0069 Issued: 6/30/2022

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations completed an audit of the City of Sacramento, Department of Public Works (City). We audited the City's costs incurred related to three projects totaling $10,805,031, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

County of Placer

P1575-0071 Issued: 6/30/2022

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations completed an audit of the County of Placer (County). We audited the County's costs incurred related to six projects totaling $28,439,047, which were reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

City of Woodland

P1575-0067 Issued: 1/6/2022

Enclosed is the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations’ final audit report of the City of Woodland’s four projects totaling $16,071,177 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

County of Kern

P1575-0068 Issued: 8/12/2021

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations performed an incurred cost audit of the County of Kern’s three projects with costs totaling $3,193,988 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

FY July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021

County of Alameda

P1575-0063 Issued: 12/17/2020

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations performed an incurred cost audit of the County of Alameda of five projects with costs totaling $4,921,300 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

City of Santa Ana

P1575-0062 Issued: 11/23/2020

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations (IOAI) performed an incurred cost audit of the City of Santa Ana (City) of five projects with costs totaling $2,632,460 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

City of Montebello

P1560-0025 Issued: 11/10/2020

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations performed an incurred cost audit of the City of Montebello of three projects with costs totaling $1,122,317 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

City of Wasco

P1575-0059 Issued: 11/02/2020

City of Perris

P1575-0060 Issued: 10/13/2020

The Independent Office of Audits and Investigations performed an interim incurred cost audit of the City of Perris of five projects with costs totaling $2,686,244 reimbursed by the California Department of Transportation.

County of Yuba

P1575-0061 Issued: 08/19/2020

FY July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

City of Lancaster

P1560-0027 Issued: 02/27/2020

City of South Lake Tahoe

P1560-0026 Issued: 8/12/2019

City of La Quinta

P1560-0028 Issued: 7/3/2019

FY July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

City of Tracy

P1575-0056 Issued: 2/6/2019

Southern California Association of Governments

P1580-0022 Issued: 9/21/2018

FY July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority

P1575-0054 Date Issued: 5/16/2018

Los Angeles - San Diego - San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor Agency

P1575-0055 Date Issued: 5/3/2018

Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority

P1575-0053 Date Issue: 4/5/2018

City of Bakersfield

P1575-0051 Date Issued: 10/19/2017